
Drop-in Studio & Gallery

For adults who face mental health challenges


Being a City Art Centre member means you can sign up for responsibilities for art shows we are involved in. For example, help make tags for paintings, be responsible for hanging paintings, help design posters, suggest the theme for shows, and transport art work if the show is offsite, clean up before and after the show. For every twenty hours of use of studio space members must participate in one hour of cleaning: keep art supplies and frames in order, organize your own cubby hole, clean work station after use, sweep and mop the floor, keep bathrooms clean and tidy the lounge. We encourage members to be active in maintaining City Art Centre to create a place of harmony.


Volunteer coordinators are the backbone of our organization. They open and close the centre during office hours, answer the phone, greet potential members and provide tours and info for the centre. They do light clean up, make coffee and provide members with free art supplies. They deal with the intake of donations and also process art sales.

Volunteer coordinators are involved with the organization of art shows and coordinate the opening receptions. They carry out administrative duties such as light filing. Volunteer coordinators undergo training about all facets of City Art Centre procedures. They must have a calling for helping people, and be attentive and intuitive. They must be able to handle all situations that arise in the day-to-day running of the centre.

Volunteer coordinators are paid a per diem and no art experience is needed.


A potential member must attend three times before they are accepted into the membership. After showing an interest they must express their intention to become a member. The prospective member is then read the membership agreement and disruptive behavior policy. Pertinent information is provided by the new member and signature is provided stating that what is stated in the agreement is understood.


Board Members must be voted in at the Annual general meeting.

Board Members consist of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Members Representative and others.

The Chair must preside at all meetings of the Board and/or the members and shall under the direction of the Board oversee the affairs of the centre.

The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board and record all facts and minutes of proceedings in the books kept for that purpose.

The Treasurer is responsible for the general financial operations and annual budget of the centre.

The Members Representative is someone members can go to in confidence to resolve Issues at the centre.

Other board members help make decisions for the centre.

For more detailed information on any of the above, please call the centre.